After you have bought your rod and your reel,the next part of the equipment is the line
that you will use with them.
As this area is mainly kelp and rocks,when you're fishing for cod and wrasse in amongst
them,you'll need line that is able to withstand the rough ground itself,rubbing and chaffing the line,the fish diving into
the kelp,and you trying to stop it,and the kelp itself as you snag your hook on it on occassion.Which you will.
Therefore 30lbs or 35lbs mono is needed,or braided line of 40lbs to 60lbs depending
on your preference. Mono line is made from material like nylon and has the ability to stretch,while braid is made from Dacron
or other similar man made fibre which has no stretch at all. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages and probably to begin
with,mono line would be the best choice.For one thing it's easier to fish with,and for another it's very much the cheaper
option of the two,normally 4 or 5 times so minimum.
There are lots of manufacturers of monofilament line and prices will vary from
£5 or so a spool,to £20 or so depending on what you buy.Quite often the dearer lines are made to enhance casting distances
on clean beaches though,and will not benefit you when fishing the hard ground. Over the years I've tried many lines and find
that lines made by the likes of Ultima and Daiwa are nicley priced in the £6 to £8 bracket and serve very well,giving a couple
of fills of a reel to the spool,usually lasting me a season before needing replaced.
When fishing for smaller species close in such as small wrasse,flounders,coalies etc.
The weight of line should just be matched to the rod and reel chosen in weights of 10lbs to 20lbs with a shock leader required
if casting any distance.