Rigs are many and varied and you could likely full a book with all of the many combinations
of tackle that come under the category.However,these few rigs are about all I use for my fishing and a little bit of experimenting
will soon let you know what rig is most suitable for your own style of fishing. I'm using cartoon rather than pictures here
as I think it shows better how they are tied.
I like to keep rigs as simple as possible and these are all the bits that I use.
For swivels and 3 way swivels you need to choose ones that are of a high enough breaking strain
for the ground that you will fish here,but personally I like to use size 1/0s which are far heavier than needed but I find
them easier to tie,simple as that.
Quick links I use for clipping leads,and I use 3mm and 5mm beads for various tasks. Copper
crimps I use on lighter traces for trapping swivels for multi hook flapper rigs.
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