Razorfish can be an incredibly good bait on it's day.In my experience this is usually
at the beginning of the winter cod season when the first proper winter swells are bashing at the beaches.Possibly this is
when there are shellfish for the cod to eat,but they certainly seem keen on it at this time.
Razorfish can be found at the very farthest of the low tide zones on big spring tides,and
show themselves in sand with a keyhole shaped hole and a squirt of water when you walk near the holes.If you take a very salty
brine solution,or just loose salt even,and pour some down each hole,within a few minutes they will come up out of the sand
and collected easily.
They can be used on their own,or as part of cocktail baits.
Just simply pull them open.
And strip out the meat with your fingers.
Then lash a few together onto your hook with bait elastic in much the same way as mussels.