Follow direction for Anstruther,then find the Craw's Nest Hotel on the Pittenweem
road on the west end of the town.Take the turn-off at the Craws,and head down that road until you come to the golf club.There
is parking here,or street parking if it's busy.Take the footpath along the foreshore and immediately to you left is a bathing
beach.This is the Hynd.
Easterly View From path
This area forms a natural bay which can be fished from either the rocks at each side
of it,or the beach when the tide is full in and the weather is too rough for the rocks.
You can see in this picture that the bay can be fished from both sides from low water
until nearly full tide,(this picture was taken at approx 2 hours of flood),and produces very good codling in the winter time
when an easterly swell is running due to the nature of the rocks edges which curl together as the go outwards channeling the
fish into the bay.Fishing better at night,this venue produced a 9 1/2lb cod in december 05.