For this project you will need a pole of some sort,wood or metal,a short piece of either thick dowelling
or a cut from the end of your wooden pole,a longish bolt with two nuts and washers,and a mending plate,which is just a small
metal strip with holes in,around 5 inches long.Nuts,bolts and plate cost about £1.50 from a hardware shop.
Most large stone pier walls are built on "the batter",which simply means that they are thicker at
the bottom than at the top.Quite often this could be by as much as two or 3 feet or more.
This only comes into play for the angler when there is a good fish on the line and you have to think
about how you're going to get it up the harbour wall when you don't fancy taking the whole weight on your rod,or if it's rough
and windy and you don't fancy climbing onto the wall to handline it up.
To make this,take your plate and bend it into a bracket as in the shape shown in the picture.Take
your wood and whittle it to a pulley shape,then smooth off with sandpaper.Make sure to make it about 1/4 of an inch shorter
than the gap beteen your sides of your bracket.
Screw your bracket down into your pole with a decent screw,drill and fix your pulley to the bracket.Remember
to make the hole in the pulley a couple of mm larger than the diameter of your bolt.Use your washers between the wood sides
of the pulley and the metal sides of your bracket.Tighten the first nut only hand tight,and tighten down the second nut until
they are together.Take two spanners and tighten the nuts against each other to make a locking nut which will let your pulley
spin comfortably.
When you have a large fish,get your mate to push the rolly pole against the line to hold if from
the wall,and then simply walk backwards with your rod to haul up the fish.If there's no room to walk backwards simply haul
the line by hand and the fish will come up the wall.Lift up the pole to bring it over the wall.