Firstly you'll need some 12mm copper piping,some lead for melting,a couple of 20mm
or so split rings,largish swivel,and a largish treble hook.Short length of 13mm dowelling.
Bung one end of your pipe with a section of 13mm dowelling,and then pour your molten lead into your
section of pipe.Make sure your pipe is very well held upright while doing this,either in a vice or pushed well into the earth.
You'll now have a length of piping full of lead.When everything cools,weight the lead filled pipe
and cut it into lengths of the desired weight.If you have a 24" lenght of pipe that weighs 2lbs,cut into 4 to give you 6 ounce
pirks.Vary the gauge of the pipe from 12mm to 22mm to give lighter or heavier pirks.
Flatten one end as in this picture,and drill a hole through for your split ring.Turn the pipe 90
degrees and flatten the opposite end and drill in the same way.
Pass your split rings through the holes,and then your swivel to one split ring and your treble to
the other.Note how the two flattened ends are at 90 degrees to each other,this is to create a spin while lifting the pirk.To
create further movement,bend the pirk slightly from the straight.To finish off,spray your pirk a nice bright yellow or orange.Alternatively,carry
a few rolls of brightly coloured insulating tape with you and change the colours of your pirk to suit whatever the fish are
going for that day.