All you need to do this is a kids drinks bottle,small angle bracket,nut and bolt,and...that's it.
Firstly,drill a hole to suit your bolt in the lid of your bottle.If you make the hole 1mm less than
the girth of your bolt,being plastic your bolt will "screw" in making a good seal.
Tighten up with a washer and nut,remembering to have the bracket on the outside of the lid first,as
in the picture.
If you want you can put a squeeze of silicone into the cap before you tighten up the nut and washer
to give a watertight seal,but as the float sits with the bottle upside down as it were,you don't have to.
And that's it,float made.What I usually do now is to pass an 8 or 10mm split rig through the bracket,and
then a 5mm split ring though the 10mm one.This just serves to have the line slightly farther away from the bracket and makes
sure that an 8mm stop bead has no way of passing through.I also use a 5mm bead as a stop to the depth knot first,as in this
If you skim these floats over kelp beds as I do for cod,coley ,wrasse etc,you can't help but catch
the weed sometimes,but as these floats are virtually free,it doesn't matter if you lose a few.